I picked up two Game Used Jersey Cards from eBay for a total of $1.55 shipped. That’s a pretty good deal no matter who is on the card. These cards happen to be from the 2005 Playoff set. I’m not really too familiar with this brand. In fact, I don’t think I own a single card from this set. Back in 2005, my focus was on Bowman for some reason. Anyway, the first card is that of Steve Finley, whose long career is now over. Finley played for 8 teams over 19 seasons. The jersey swatch is just plain white, but that’s OK. Although, Finley is featured as a Diamondback on the card, he actually spent 2005 with the Angels. To make matters worse, he spent the second half of 2004 with the Dodgers after the D-Backs traded him. The second card features Mike Sweeney who spent most of his career as a Royal. Recently, he has been a DH for the A’s and Mariners. Sweeney’s career is almost over thanks to age and injury. He is a 5 time All Star though and had some great years in Kansas City. The first thing that I notice is that the jersey swatch is a beautiful shade of blue. That’s a lot better than plain white. I think I like the Sweeney card better than the Finley card. I’m happy with my purchase. I got two great cards for less than two bucks.